I started by creating a scene similar to what will be in the project. I wanted to look at replicating a ray of light shining through a window.

I first started with one single spot light, however the lighting was far too harsh and there was no shadow of the shape of the window being projected on the floor, which i was looking for.

This is a less harsh lighting render, i want the scene to look very dark and the image below is in some points what i am looking for.

I added a simple Sun and Sky system, and turned the lighting to black, so there was a more dense shadow inside the building. This way it gave me a nice projection of the window elongated on the floor.

The image below i mocked up quickly in photoshop, as to what i wanted the ray of light to look like.

After mocking up the image, i went back into Maya, and started to looking into fog systems, and i created a volume primitive, filled it with a white hazy fog and positioned it to where i wanted. This was the outcome.

I am extremely happy with the outcome. I took to researching volume primitives and it turned out well the fog is what i am looking for and i could see it working very well in the project. However one thing i would like to do in the future is look into more detailed fog, and have speckles of dust visible and floating around when the camera is amongst the fog in the scene.
I went on to looking at a project i created previously, and using it to study lighting.
I felt that doing this would give me a great learning base to try and create similar lighting to what i want to create in the upcoming 3rd year project.

I rendered the same scene out three different times, at three different points during the day;
Mid Noon



The three images above game me a lot of confidence that i did not previously have, that i could light a scene in three different ways. I am confident and will be taking this into the project.
Interior.and/or.Exterior lighting
I decided to look at ways of lighting wall lamps with fire and additional lights. I am certain i will need to do some sort of lighting similar to this.
I used particle effects to create a fast simple fire, and then wanted to create the lighting around the fire, to make it look as if it was radiating off of its surroundings.

Default lighting

Point light added with red/orange tint

Shadow added
I like this image below, it is my favourite so far, as it looks quite realistic in my opinion, however i will need to make the whole thing a little brighter as the scene will not be this dark in the project.

Scene lit up
I brightened the whole scene with an additional light, and it fixed my problem, below is the final outcome. I am very happy with this.

Below: a very simple mock up of a cube and inside it, a lighting test i did to try get the base light correct for the whole interior. I prefer the image above, because the corners of the room are still adrk, whilst the walls are a little lighter, and this is what i am looking for, i feel the corners of the rooms need to be a lot more dingy and dark.

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