Different material types
Lambert is a flat material type that yields a smooth look without specular highlights. It calculates without taking into account surface or reflectivity, which gives a matte, chalk-like appearance. Lambert material is ideal for surfaces that don't have highlights: pottery, chalk, matte paint, and so forth. By default, any newly created object is assigned the Lambert shader.
The Phong material takes into account specular reflectivity to create highlights across an object surface. The algorithm can be customized for surfaces such as plastic, porcelain, and glazed ceramic.
PhongE is a faster rendering version of Phong that yields somewhat softer highlights than Phong.
The Blinn material calculates highlights on surfaces similarly to Phong; however, Blinn can achieve a more accurate representation of the soft tinted highlights you see on metallic surfaces. Because Blinn is a versatile material type and doesn't cause flickering with bump maps.
The Anisotropic material type stretches highlights and rotates them based on the viewer's position. Anisotropic materials are ideal for materials such as hair, feathers, brushed metal, and satin.
The Ramp Shader material consists of built-in ramp graphs to offer more advanced control and simplify the shader network.
The Ocean Shader material has several items in the shader's attributes that control how the material behaves over time, and it has graphs to add detail to the base shader. Attributes include Wave Speed, Wave Height, Wave Turbulence, and Wave Peaking.
The Layered Shader lets you combine several materials to create a more complex material.
The Shading Map material is primarily designed to let you get a "cel" look in 3D, like typical animated cartoons.
The Surface Shader is used when you want to control a material's color, transparency, and glow with something else in Maya.
The Use Background shader cuts a "hole" in the image's alpha channel where objects with the material appear. This material is useful for combining separately rendered images in a compositing program to create the final results.

I posted up a helpful tutorial i found on how to UV map a more complicated object that isn't just a square or box. It involves different ways of mapping which is useful information, as in this project i will be mapping all sorts of different shapes in the environment.
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